Sticks And Stones - Words that Make or Break Real Estate Offers

As a working mom, I often encourage my young children to choose their words carefully.As it turns out words really do matter. Over my years as a seasoned real estate agent I can attest to the same value: proper verbiage within offers can make or break a real estate transaction. Put simply words, verbiage, can make or break a deal.

Recently while helping a client with their potential investment purchase I discovered phrasing within the seller’s counter offer that would have left my buyers stuck once they moved forward to the next phase of financing. Both parties had the right stuff to close the deal but if not written properly the whole deal would have fallen through once it hit the bank's underwriting.

So what are some key phrases that that can make or break a deal? -Closing Costs vs. Non-Recurring Closing Costs -Reference to existing termite inspection -Rent back allowances

All three of these examples are allowed by a lender, if worded correctly. If not, a can of worms can be opened and a deal will never make it off the underwriter's desk!

In summary, sometimes a successful real estate transaction is in the little details. One of my greatest joys in serving my clients is helping them save their time, money, and potential heart ache. If you have questions or would like to explore ways I can serve you in your current or future real estate transactions, contact me today.