Listed...and Sold!

Did you know homes in Santa Clara County are on the market for an average of 50 days? And that number is going down.Inventory of homes is still at an all time low. Today there are 1,331 single family homes listed. Last year at this time, there were 2,622 homes listed. Not only has the number of homes for sale decreased, the days it takes for them to go into contract has also decreased. Last years' days on market average was almost 80.

What sets these homes apart? In part the answer lies in curb appeal. My sellers would describe several things I assist them in doing to help their homes stand out against the competition.

Tip of the Day - Think Like a Buyer When listing a home for sale, think like a buyer not a seller. Sellers often have a difficult time viewing their home through fresh eyes. An experienced agent can help sellers anticipate what today’s buyers are wanting in a home purchase and at what price. I encourage you to go get your car keys. Take a drive around your block, pretending you’ve never been on your street before. What do you see? Pull up to your house and view it with the eyes of a potential buyer. What jumps out at you first as you view your home? Look around the exterior and interior of your house and ask yourself what could be done to increase the curb appeal. Agents are well aware that their listing isn’t the only listing potential buyers are likely to see. If the desire is to close the transaction at a satisfying price and as quick as possible, then sellers need to learn how to think like buyers. Over the last decade of working as a real estate professional I’ve coached countless clients with very satisfying results. If you would like me to consult with you regarding your home contact me today!